Diagnostic Process of Autism

Diagnostic Tools

Parents or pedestrians are usually the first ones who might notice some difference in children's behaviors. As parents might notice some concerning signs on their children, they could schedule an autism screening or consultation with local clinicians. These screening are designed to detect signs of children at risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Since they are not very comprehensive, they are usually quite straightforward and quick. It is important to notice that screening is different from diagnosis.

Currently, there is no specific diagnostic “test” for autism spectrum disorders. The diagnosis is established through a comprehensive evaluation that includes lifetime and family history, review of medical and educational records, behavioral observation, physical examination, administration of standardized instruments, which are carried out by specialists (Blenner, Reddy & Augustyn, 2011). One of the common standardized test used is called the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). It outlines all the standardized criteria to help diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder. Also, there are more assessment tests that can help with the diagnosis, such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale (ADOS) and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS-2).

Diagnosis Process

According to the research done by the University of Michigan Autism and Communication Disorders Center in 2006, a diagnosis of autism at age 2 can be reliable, valid and stable. Also, many clinicians do not diagnose children until they reach 30 months in order to make sure the results are reliable. Although the formal diagnosis cannot be made before 30 months, concerning parents could schedule for screenings with clinicians to determine if their children are at the risk.

However, a diagnosis of ASD can be made at early at age 2, many children are not diagnosed with ASD until they are fours years old. The study showed that the median age of the first diagnosis of autism disorder is 3 years and 10 months. Thus, parents should pay extra attention to their children during developmental periods and seek early intervention services as early as possible if any signs of developmental delays occur. Children who demonstrate several early warning signs may have developmental delays. Many of these intervention programs are federally funded and provide services to children who do not fully meet the criteria of ASD. Participating in intervention programs could significantly benefit children at risk of ASD or with ASD. 

1) Blenner, S., Reddy, A., & Augustyn, M. (2011). Diagnosis and management of autism in childhood. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 343.


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